Thea's Fitness Journal Map

Fitness Journal

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

With protest

I really wasn't supposed to be blogging during this difficult semester.  But here I am again stopping by to say hello.

Sadie and I ran today, down to the creek, up the other side (okay, walked half of that) made the small loop on Steadman to the gas well and back...about 40 minutes worth probably.  Then I dropped Sadie off at the house to watch the cat and Greg roll the yard.  I went to Jann's for the second half of my run/walk after she arrived home from school.  Such a gorgeous spring day...hard NOT to take advantage of it.

My back and neck are protesting a bit and I have to sit in a computer chair.  My brain is protesting having to write a paper.

Oh, right....the paper...back to it then.

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