Thea's Fitness Journal Map

Fitness Journal

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Iris, my pajama neighbor from yesteryear tried to leave a comment and I had things a little TOO locked down for that.  So hopefully this works. The settings are confusing. Basically, I opened it up to "anybody" for comments but since you pretty much have to be invited, that should mean it is "just us".

I started to "Blog" to Iris in our school mail and ended up saying I would move it over here, off the server where it is archived for a bizillion years.

I would rather archive here of my own free will!

I was saying to Iris how I ALWAYS consider her one of my "true" friends at school, whether we talk or not. It goes back to pajama days for sure and the great friendship we built but also to our journaling days when we each wrote about work and only the two of us there knew about it. It's like having a secret handshake.

I was telling some of my kids at school about Iris having a pen pal, too. (Do you still keep in touch with her, and how many years has it been now? Tell the story here, if you want to...and if you have the secret handshake to post a comment!

Here is the link to Mom's journal index, BrightEyes:


  1. Is Iris, "BrightEyes"? If so, welcome, Iris.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I posted a comment and was playing around (need to keep my nosey hands to myself) and deleted it. Sorry I will try again and will not play around.

    Below is a copy of what I email Thea when I couldn't leave a comment the first time.

    Thank you for sharing that with me. It brought back some very good memories. Yes, I miss that also but, we both live to far apart to sneak down to each others kitchen. Walt says my PJ's are to short to go anywhere. LOL

    I still have my notes from God, and when times get tough I pull them out and read them. I miss the closeness that we had at that time. I still feel that you are a close and dear friend, and I don't ever want to lose that.

    Greg and you helped me out through some tough times and I thank you for that.

    Hi Sandy, this is Donna. I was not sure if everyone was using there names or not. I like flowers so I pick iris.

    About Jancy, I think we started writing in 1973. We wrote faithfully to each other for years. Some time in the early 90's we lost touch with each other for about 2 years. She found me and we started writing again. In 1998 she came here to visit me. That was great.
    But I was dumb and put all her info on my computer and my computer crashed 5 years ago and I lost everything. She was getting married at the time, and I was getting married and moving. So she doesn't have my info either. I keep praying that she will find me again, maybe someday she will.


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