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Fitness Journal

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well, I guess I just lied on a survey. I knew it had been awhile since I had blogged on this particular site...the blog that was supposed to resurrect my angelfire journal...but I was surprised how long it had been! That is a function of the busy-ness of this semester, I suppose.

Interestingly, the survey asked questions about the use of my blog as related to stress in my life, as in do I write when I am under stress and if so, does it alleviate the stress, etc. HA! If the answer to that question is yes, how does one write to alleviate stress if one is stressed because one has to WRITE under a deadline for school/dissertation???

Hopefully, I will be back. I will try this idea of writing to alleviate stress once I have turned in this assignment!

In the news, daughter is back in her adopted home country after a "stressful" trip. Maybe she will write about it here...